International Baccalaureate Diploma Candidates Give Theory of Knowledge Presentations

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The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program challenges juniors and seniors in Westerville schools to think critically in all aspects of their academic program.  One of the requirements of students enrolled as IB Diploma Candidates is the Theory of Knowledge (ToK) course.  ToK challenges pupils to examine the responsibilities, challenges and rewards of knowledge and how this knowledge can be used to improve society on a local and global level.  The capstone of the junior year is the ToK Presentation, where students choose a real-life situation of their interest and analyze it in the context of ideas such as culture, beliefs, interpretation, and justifications for these ideas.  Pupils dig deeply into the underlying ideas associated with the real-life situation and attempt to facilitate a dialog about the issues and questions that can lead to common ground among diverse populations and understanding across cultures.