Post Secondary Options/Dual Enrollment Meeting Scheduled for February 26

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On Tuesday, February 26, at 7:00 p.m., an informational meeting will be held in the Westerville Central High School auditorium to discuss the Post Secondary Options (PSEO)/Dual Enrollment program. Central is located at 7118 Mt. Royal Avenue.

The PSEO/Dual Enrollment program allows eligible Ohio high school students to earn college credit and/or high school graduation credit through the successful completion of college courses. The purpose of the program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and expose students to options beyond the high school classroom. Any high school student admitted to a course by an institution of higher education will be required to perform at the same level as the institution’s regular students. High schools continue to be responsible for providing a comprehensive and challenging college preparatory curriculum including advanced level courses. College courses should either contribute to or supplement the broad academic preparation needed by high school students. Credit for highly-specialized-content college courses should not substitute for important, broader-content college-preparatory high school courses.

Students interested in PSEO/Dual Enrollment (which includes, but is not limited to, specialized programs such as the John Glenn Internship) must be accepted by the college/university they wish to attend and be seriously interested in pursuing course work not provided in the current high school curriculum. Each college/university has their own un-weighted GPA and standardized test minimums. College Counselors from Otterbein University, The Ohio State University and Columbus State Community College will discuss student options at the meeting. Students must complete and return Intent to Participate Forms by March 30. Student participants and their parents/guardians must be aware of the possible risks and consequences of taking part in the PSEO/Dual Enrollment Programs and the financial obligation to reimburse the district if a student fails or does not complete PSEO coursework.