Newsletter of the Week


February 25, 2019


Dear Parents,


This week, March will come in like a lion. At least that is how the saying goes. I am hoping for much needed outside recess days.

Last Thursday was a fabulous night for our class. The class musical was a roaring success. The students really came through, and I was so proud of them. I had several students come up to me after the play to tell me how much fun it was. That is what makes all the work worthwhile. I hope to see a few thespians on the high school stage in about 9 or so years. Doing this play and the oral biography presentations have proved to each child that he/she can speak in front of a large group, in spite of the tummy butterflies. The more the students experience this, the greater the confidence the next time.

I also hope you enjoyed the Family Arts Night. Many teachers and staff worked hard to make the experience enjoyable for our Huber families.  

Now that the tests, Valentine’s Day, biographies and the play are over, we can get back to a “normal” schedule. There were a lot of special events in Feb., and I am happy to have some calm before the spring break. The vacation begins Mar. 25 and students return on April 1st. (And I am sure there will be some jokes that day!)

In Language Arts, we will begin a unit on fairy tales and folk tales. We especially want to compare and contrast different versions of the same story. These include versions from other cultures and versions from other points of view.

Friday is spring picture day-just a reminder.

As I mentioned last week, Pennies for Patients will be running until Mar. 15 so check between the couch cushions and the car floor. You never know what change you may find.


Homework this week is the following:

Math: p.77, 78, 79, 80

Writing: Write a paragraph that tells directions on how to do a play.

Reading: Two Special Presidents-compare and contrast


Have a great week!

Yours truly,

Cathy Van Wassen