Honors English 2  

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Welcome to Mrs. Erlinger's Honors English 2 class! You can find daily agendas and assignments below. I hope you find this website helpful.
Daily Agendas
  • 24 August
  • 23 August

    Small group discussion of choice book

    1. Introduction to Proofreading Warm-Ups 

      1. Proofreading symbols sheet provided

      2. One warm-up per day - use editing symbols

      3. Place in notebook - designated area

      4. Proofreading Warm-Up 1

    2. Small group discussion of choice book

      1. Roles handout

      2. Quiz from yesterday as guideline for discussion

  • 22 August
    1. Discuss “The Danger of a Single Story” - See Slides from yesterday

      • Talk to a partner about main points, and create three “take aways” from the TEDTalk.

      • How does this link to school / English class? How does this link to the real world? Create a list of potential answers.

    2. Hands Down Questioning for “The Dangers of a Single Story”

    3. Summer Reading Quizzes - See Mrs. Erlinger to make this up

  • 21 August

    1. Finish going over Syllabus Quiz - start at question 7

      1. Turn in quiz

      2. Distribute Late Work Pass and Hall Passes - see Mrs. Erlinger to get these

    2. TOMORROW = Summer Reading Quizzes /userfiles/3843/my files/summer reading quizzes and the danger of a single story.pdf?id=564348

      1. Three questions for each book: 1) brief “review” of book that also proves to me that you read the book; 2) write three important quotes and briefly tell why the quote is important; 3) 3-4 lessons / messages / take aways from the book

    3. TEDTalk “The Danger of a Single Story”

      1. Watch Cimamanda Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story”

        1. Listen and record the main points that Adichie makes.

  • 20 August

    1. Seating chart posted - find your seat; ask questions, if needed; Mrs. Erlinger does attendance

    2. Signed parent form to turn in? Place in turn-in tray - remember, only bottom portion! - and NAME TENT

    3. Syllabus quiz - see Mrs. Erlinger to make this up

    4. Go over syllabus quiz numbers 1-6

  • 17 August

    1. Attendance - please put out name tent!

    2. Stuff to turn in? GTKY! Parent form? Place in turn-in tray  

    3. Pre-Assessment - argumentative writing - see Mrs. Erlinger to make this up

    4. GTKY questions for Mrs. Erlinger 

    5. Continue This or That, if time

  • 16 August
    1. Take attendance 

    2. First Day Slides /userfiles/3843/my files/first day and this-that-windows personalized.pdf?id=564298

    3. Get-to-know-you survey = HW - due TOMORROW /userfiles/3843/my files/get to know you survey honors.pdf?id=564301

    4. FYI - tomorrow is also pre-assessment /userfiles/3843/my files/erlinger slo articles.pdf?id=564302

      1. Read and annotate three articles in packet

      2. Bring something to work on, in case you finish before others

    5. Syllabus - due Monday /userfiles/3843/my files/honors english 2 syllabus.pdf?id=564303

      1. read and be prepared for quiz Monday

      2. signed parent sheet by Monday

    6. This or That - see First Day Slide 


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