WNHS Announcements

Daily Announcements - April 25, 2023

Heidi Hall - 4/24/2023 11:16:00 AM

Bus Drivers: Bus Driver Appreciation Day.

Mentoring: Attention Big Warrior, Little Warrior Mentors! Please turn in your permission forms asap to Mrs. Gaffney (room 124) or Mrs. Cameron (233).

Student Section: Applications are open for student section leader for next year! If you are an ALLN Junior and want to lead, get an app from your ADV teacher or Sra. Henman (117). Apps are due 4/18.

Battle of the Bands: Submissions for the Westerville Battle of the Bands sponsored by the Westerville Public Library are due by 4/30. If you need more information about the event, see Mrs. Baryon in the WLC. 

Evening of Excellence: Seniors interested in performing at the Senior Evening of Excellence can sign up to tryout using one of the QR codes posted around school. Tryouts will be held 4/26 after school in room 143

Seniors: Seniors who haven't turned in Grad Presenter forms please get those to Mrs. Smiley ASAP! Cap & Gown pick-up will be 4/27 in the front lobby during lunch.

Gay Straight Alliance: Please join us for the last two meetings of the year! 4/27, 2:05-3:00pm. 5/16, 2:05pm-3:00pm.

CCP: On 4/26 at 6:30pm there is a CCP Virtual Orientation Session (for students who have done the CCP steps and are eligible to take a CCP class next year) to dive deeper into next steps, provide tips for success, discuss consequences of underperformance, and share how to acquire the textbooks.

Eid: The Eid party has been moved to 4/25. Come to room 308 during all lunch periods. 

Blood Drive: Our annual spring blood drive is 4/28. Signups will take place during lunch periods Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Students who are 16 must have a parent consent form signed before signing up.

Strike Out Cancer: Strike Out Cancer 2023 is 4/29 at North. Come watch our softball and baseball teams battle Olentangy, Central, and Davidson. Softball plays at 11:00 & 1:00; baseball plays at 11:30 & 2:00.

Dance Team: Students interested in joining the State Champion Pom Dance Team can find tryout information for WNDT at wnhsdance.com. Info meeting and Tryouts are on 5/7!

Fundraisers: There is an Agape Dine Out Night on 5/11.