Westerville North’s Ben Hartnell Runs for President; Raises Money for Caring & Sharing

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Westerville North’s Ben Hartnell, right, hopes to be the next bearded president.

When most people turn 35, they celebrate with friends and family members. When Dr. Ben Hartnell turned 35 on October 1, he placed his name on the “ballot” as a candidate for the office of President of the United States. If elected, he would be the first bearded president since Benjamin Harrison. His campaign supporters are selling T-shirts to raise money for a local charity which benefits families in the Westerville School District, Caring & Sharing.

The Westerville North High School History teacher's name will be a write-in candidate under the Sparty Party. His running mate is David Earl Marshall, from the state of Michigan. Marshall is Dr. Hartnell's cousin and the godfather to his son. Dr. Hartnell said, “Dave is good people and has been my personal role model my entire life. I'd trust him with anything. Dave and I have already solved all the world's problems over the years. Now we just need the chance to put our plans in action.”

Dr. Hartnell decided to run for president to get his students excited about the election in general since this year’s contest is, in his words, “lacking some of the buzz” it had in 2008. “It also provides students with insight to the lengthy process of getting your name on the ballot and the ins and outs of running for the most powerful job in the world,” he said.

Hartnell says he will represent all Americans and “as such, I’m going to blend what our Founding Fathers and Ryan Seacrest both gave our fine nation: democracy and text voting.” After being sworn in as President, Hartnell says he will skip all the useless (and expensive) pomp and circumstance that goes on – the parade, the fancy dinners, the balls – and get down to business. “I will ask America what my stance should be on every political issue…and then have the country call, e-mail or text their votes in to our special Government Hotline. Charge will be $1 per call, e-mail, or text…and you can vote as many times as you want. We will keep the lines open for one week. At the end of that week, whatever decision has received the most votes… BAM…that will be my official stance.”

The only issue that would not be up for a text vote is Tax Reform. Hartnell says, “Out with the 50,000 page tax code. In with the index card. It’s plain and simple. At the top of your 3” x 5” index card, write your name, address and Social Security number. Beneath that, write down how much you made last year. The government is going to take 25 percent of that. The end.” Hartnell says this isn’t a “flat tax” where everyone pays the same amount, but rather a “fair tax” where everyone pays the same percentage.

Regardless of the election’s outcome, Hartnell’s students will most certainly get an interesting perspective on the democratic process. And Caring & Sharing will get some money to help those in need.

For further information, please visit http://www.drhartnell.com/president-hartnell.html.