McVay’s Family Math Night Draws Crowd of Enthusiastic Learners

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While many people were resting up from a busy Thanksgiving break, McVay Elementary School families were caught up in the excitement of their annual McVay Family Math Night.  On Wednesday evening, December 4, third, fourth and fifth grade students came back to school to practice their math skills with family members. 

The evening began with a brief welcome and overview of math game sessions being offered.  Parents and students were then released to choose and participate in at least three math activities. As each family left their session, they were able to take with them the game or activity in which they had participated, for continued practice of the skill.  Following the learning sessions, all families came together in the atrium to enjoy a pizza dinner served by the staff.  Raffle tickets were drawn and math games, such as, Connect 4, Yahtzee, and Uno, were given as prizes.  Family Math Night for students in Kindergarten, first and second grade was held in October. Feedback was positive and both staff and families agreed that this will remain an annual event.