Blendon Takes PRIDE in November Student/Staff Recognitions

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November PRIDE Program student awardees at Blendon Middle School are Rachel N. and Tristan M., and the staff recipient is Erica Beekman.  Rachel was nominated for taking pride in her school by voluntarily sweeping a classroom that had accumulated a lot of debris. Tristan was nominated for displaying a positive attitude, following directions well, and fully participating in a group activity.  Both students saw a need and were positive and respectful in meeting that need.  Erica Beekman, an aide, was recognized for nominating a student for displaying PRIDE characteristics.  The students earned a Skyline Chili gift pack and a gift card for free admission to the Westerville Recreation Center pool.  Beekman got a gift certificate for a one-night stay at Cherry Valley Lodge.  In addition, all three received one dozen homemade cookies. 

Blendon implemented the new PRIDE awards program, aimed at recognizing students and staff who demonstrate core values of being Positive and Respectful, demonstrating Integrity, and of being Determined and Engaged.  Thirty-one students were nominated by staff members for displaying PRIDE characteristics. Prizes are donated by local and national companies as well as Blendon PTO members.