Blendon Middle School Names October PRIDE Program Honorees

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Blendon Middle School October PRIDE Program student awardees are Jacob Bullard and Arien Wooden, and the staff recipient is guidance counselor Joyce Lee.  Bullard was nominated for demonstrating respect for a fellow student by helping pick up books and other belongings that were accidently dropped.  Wooden was nominated for voluntarily sweeping an area in a classroom that had accumulated a lot of discarded paper.  Lee was recognized for nominating a student for displaying PRIDE characteristics.  The boys received $5 Skyline Chili gift cards for their efforts, and Lee got four tickets to The Funny Bone.  

Blendon’s new PRIDE awards program is aimed at recognizing students and staff who demonstrate core values of being Positive and Respectful, demonstrating Integrity, and being Determined and Engaged.    Students are nominated by staff members as they are observed demonstrating PRIDE characteristics.  A random drawing is then held monthly from those nominations (and nominators).  Prizes are donated by local and national companies as well as Blendon PTO members.