Blendon’s Advanced Language Arts Classes Attend Private Showing of Les Miserables

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As an optional enrichment activity, Kelly Blum’s 8th grade advanced language arts classes at Blendon Middle School were invited to attend a private showing of the award-winning film, Les Miserables on Friday, December 28, at the Marcus Crosswoods Cinema in Worthington.

After the movie, the students and their families met at a nearby restaurant to discuss what they saw and how closely the movie followed the novel, which they read earlier.  The pupils were able to discuss plots, see the book’s characters come to life on the big screen, engage in in-depth conversations about the creative differences and similarities between the book and the movie, and gain a richer appreciation for the performing arts as it relates to literary works.

The Blendon PTO donated $100 to offset the cost, and families paid the discounted rates and transported their own children. Need-based scholarships were also made available though the Gifted Education Department.