WSHS Athletic Boosters Meeting 
 April 2, 2012

Board Members in Attendance: Cathy Noskowiak, Mike Migliore, Jackie Levakis,  Scott Dorne, Marlene Smith, Amy Migliore, Sharon Linkhorn, Sharon Imondi, and Cathy Siedlak

Board Members not in attendance:  Dena Robinson(Athletic Event)

Liaison in attendance: Joyce Michaels, Laura Cheilis, Deb Abner, Sybil Bell, Andi Arens, Jeff ??, Diane Davis, Shelly Roth, Diane Hildebrand, Shelly Roth, Ellen Gannon, Fred Larkins, Carla Tedeschi, Jim Gaul, Carol Thune, Duane McDonald, Wendy Lomano

Additional Attendees: Mike Stamos, Doug Culver

Teams not represented:  Girls Basketball, Cheerleading, Swimming, Softball (athletic event)

  1. Call to order: 
  2. Cathy Noskowiak called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2.  Reading and approval of minutes:

  1. Motion made by Wendy Lomano, Second by Sharon imondi, Passed Unanimously

3.  Reading and approval of treasurer’s report  (presented at end of meeting)

  1. Mike Migliore will send information requested from the state by April 6, 2012.
  2. Motion made by Fred Larkins, second by Sharon Imondi

 4. Committee


  1. Five Guys Burgers and Fries evening is Thursday April 5th
  2. Looking into sponsoring a steak dinner with Outback or another steak restaurant.
  3. May plan a Wildcat day out to a Brown’s game possible against the Bengals.
  4. Planning a City BBQ evening possible on the third Thursday of the month.  25% of the money collected from Wildcat patrons will be donated to the boosters.
  5. The t-time golf pass representative will be invited to present his program to the boosters.
  6. Looking into doing a one stop fundraising open house for organizations to look at ideas they could use to raise money.
  7. May possible plan a bus trip to a casino as a fund raising excursion.


  1. Concessions are ready to open tomorrow night April 3.   Jackie Levakis is ordering and taking care of money issues(deposits, etc.) and food orders.  Core workers are helping to man the concession stand until a new concession manager is appointed or elected.

Scholar Athlete:  

  1. Nothing to report at this time.

Parent Coordinator:

  1. Points have been tallied and will be sent out by e-mail.
  2. We still need volunteers for the May district track meet on May 15, 16 and 19th.  We need 10 volunteers on May 15th and 16th and 20 volunteers for the 19th split into two shifts.


  1. Spring Physicals/membership drive will be held on May 15.  Ohio Health is conducting this event.

5.   Old Business: 

  1. Lynn Mitchell will be working on the  Constitution and by-laws with her committee soon.
  2. The seniors were given banner flyers in their homerooms.

 6.   New Business

  1. Membership/Physicals are May 15th.
  2. Mike Stamos and Doug Culver talked to group about Westerville Booster organization.  They said their goal as a group was to not take away from what the individual school booster organizations are doing.  Their goal is to come up with large money making activities, such as, casino night, super games, golf tournaments, etc.  This money would be used to lower pay to participate fees across the district.  They also will be working with all extra-curricular activities in the future not just sports.  They want all booster groups to be represented at their meetings.  Eventually they want to become a foundation to take care of all money raised.  And the foundation will distribute money in the future.  Also they want volunteers to help start booster groups at the middle school level.  They need a representative for Blendon and Heritage at the present time.
  3. An election will be held in May to elect new officers.  If anyone wants to run for an office or be a committee chair please contact Cathy Noskowiak at or give your name to Scott Dorne.

7.    Athletic Director’s Report

  1. Still have not heard back from board about presentation made for athletics.  Not sure yet the final pay to participate fee.  We will have to start paying custodians next year for any event occurring on a weekend inside the building.

9.    Additional Discussions:

  1. none

10.  Meeting adjourned at 8:37.

 Important Dates: