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Pointview Elementary

First Grade



Welcome to First Grade! I am so excited to be your child's teacher! We are going to learn and grow so much during this school year. I want to tell you a little about myself. I have taught here at Pointview for 4 years. Two of those years were in second grade and the other two in first grade. I have two children of my own that both attend Pointview. One is in second grade and the other is in first grade. I absolutely love all of the families here at Pointview and am very excited for all of the changes happening this year in the building. 

Feel free to check this site for updates on what is happening in the classroom. I will be creating a Schoology page for the 2016-2017 school year that I will update frequently and post pictures of what we are doing in class. You can access the link here when it is ready. Through the schoology page you will be able to communicate with me by commenting or asking questions or posting comments on the pictures posted. You will also have access to my weekly newsletters on schoology as well. I will keep you updated as to when this will be available. 

Please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the school year either by phone, email, or schoology. 


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