This year your student will complete an online computer program to help master the 7th grade math standards.  Each student will take a pre-assessment and based on their results will be given a goal to reach each quarter.  Before I can set the goal, I need all students to complete their knowledge check on    

Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces is a Web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system. ALEKS uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine exactly what a student knows and doesn't know in a course. ALEKS then instructs the student on the topics she is most ready to learn. As a student works through a course, ALEKS periodically reassesses the student to ensure that topics learned are also retained. ALEKS courses are very complete in their topic coverage and ALEKS avoids multiple-choice questions. A student who shows a high level of mastery of an ALEKS course will be successful in the actual course she is taking.” (

Each student has received a paper that has his/her username and password.  They were instructed to tape it into the front of their notebooks.  Students have from Monday morning until Sunday at midnight to complete 12 topics.  If your student forgets or loses their username and password, they can email me at to retreive it.  If I don't see the email and respond, the student will NOT receive extra time to complete the 12 topics.  Students are able to work on ALEKS during study hall and/or SSR at school.  Weekend plans or not having a computer at home is not an excuse to not have the 12 topics completed.