PARENT INFORMATION REGARDING CARE AND TREATMENT OF HEAD LICE PLEASE  NOTIFY  SCHOOL NURSE OR HEALTH AIDE WHEN YOUR CHILD IS TREATED FOR HEAD LICE. Head lice are yellowish-white or brownish insects (that live on the human scalp.) Lice do not have wings, and they cannot fly, hop, or jump. Head lice are about 1/8 of an inch long. Lice are difficult to see because they are small and move quickly. Itching of the scalp may be the first sign of head lice. Most often what you see are the oval eggs (nits) which have been laid by the lice. They are commonly found behind the ears and at the nape of the neck. They look like sesame seeds. They cannot be easily flicked off of the hair like dandruff. They stick like glue to the hair shaft. Head lice are common, easily treated, and generally not associated with any serious medical complication. The status of a person’s cleanliness has nothing to do with having or getting head lice. Lice are transmitted from person to person by direct head contact, combs, brushes, sleeping in the same bed, etc. Lice are transmitted from one person to another in children’s homes/neighborhoods when they play closely with one another, but more often when they have sleepovers. It is recommended that you do not use the common lice shampoo products to treat head lice unless you have a verified case, as most products contain insecticide. Health Service’s procedure regarding head lice: When lice are found on a student at school the student is sent home for treatment. Close contacts are checked. It is more important to check close contacts (usually siblings & friends who play together/have parties together at home) than checking an entire classroom.  A Student treated with a head lice shampoo and/or nits (eggs) have been removed, and there are no live lice found after examination by a trained staff member upon return to school, the student may return to class. There is no specific time that a student has to remain at home.