EDay lessons - Espanol 2/2H

EDay lesson #1

Learning Target:

Students will use their Spanish for intrapersonal/interpersonal communication.

Students will write in the target language for an extended time.

Students will practice the imperfect verb tense.

Materials Needed:

Students need access to the internet and email.

The assignment is due no later than two weeks after our return to school.

Lesson Overview:

Students will be doing a practice informal writing for proficiency assessments today, but in a very authentic way.  They will be sending me an email (one of the prompts on the exam) from home.  They will also be practicing a tense and grammatical structure that was new to them just this semester. 

Tasks (to include challenge activity as possible)

            1.  Send an email to me through my school email address.

2.  The topic:  Describe for me what you used to do on “snow days” (días libres) when you were a kid.  Include common activities as well as description of the day and themselves.  Extension: how have things changed now that you are older?

            3.  Students should write for approximately 40 minutes, including time to edit and revise their message.


The email will be assessed on grammatical structure, topic development, vocabulary usage and general tone (using our general writing rubric).  It is worth 10 points.

EDay lesson #2

Learning Target:

The students will practice their listening comprehension skills in the target language.

The students will hear authentic Spanish accents in real contexts.

Students will learn and review common conversational expressions in real contexts.

Students will create a dialogue containing these expressions in the target language.

Materials Needed:

Students need access to the internet and paper for the written response.  If they choose, they may email the response instead.

The assignment is two no later than two weeks after our return to school.

Lesson Overview:

Students will go to the website notesinspanish.com and find podcast #22, titled “Odio el Fútbol.”  It is located in the category Free Beginners Audio.  Listen to the podcast as many times as necessary.  At the end of the podcast “Marina” directs them to write a short (8-10 line) conversation containing as many of the phrases that were presented throughout the podcast as possible. 

Tasks (to include challenge activity as possible)

            1.  Listen to the podcast as many times as necessary.

            2.  Take notes as needed.

            3.  Write the 8-10 line conversation including as many of the conversational phrases as you can.  Turn in or email the conversation to you                   teacher.

            4.  *Spanish 2 Honors*.  Include at least three different verb tenses.


The conversation will be assessed on the number of phrases included, their correct usage within the context of the conversation, fluidity of the conversation, and general vocab and grammar usage (using our general writing rubric).  It is worth ten points.

EDay lesson #3

Learning Target:

The students will practice their listening comprehension skills in the target language.

The students will hear authentic Spanish accents in real contexts.

Students will learn and review thematic expressions in real contexts.

Students will express their own opinions regarding topical issues in the target language.

Materials Needed:

Students need access to the internet and paper or video recording capability for the response. 

The assignment is two no later than two weeks after our return to school.

Lesson Overview:

Students will go to the website spanishlistening.org.  Choose either podcasts #134 and #149 OR #75 and #84.  They must listen to both podcasts of either set. 

Option 1:  Write, in Spanish, their own responses to the same questions that the podcast participants present.

Option 2:  Create a short video of themselves in the style of the podcasts answering the same questions presented in the podcasts. 

Either way, the responses should reflect that the students understand the questions and responses given. 

Tasks (to include challenge activity as possible)

            1.  Listen to the podcast as many times as necessary.

            2.  Take notes as needed.

            3.  Student responses may be emailed to me at henmanb@wcsoh.org or given to me within two weeks of assignment.  Students should keep

            their own copy of the video recording in case of trouble presenting at school.


The response will be assessed on the number of phrases included, their correct usage within the context of the response, fluidity of the response, and general vocab and grammar usage (using our general writing rubric).  It is worth ten points.