Curriculum Night Handout

Please review this to write down any questions you might have, and bring this to Curriculum Night tomorrow at 5:30pm.


Welcome to Curriculum Night

Behavior – *Students will lose part of recess for not having homework.  They will complete the homework during recess and then be allowed to go to recess.

Class wide Reward System-

       Compliments = points

       *25 points = Celebration!

* Develops teamwork and lessens behavior problems(tattling).



Daily Planner- Students will copy down homework each day.  I will try my best to post the homework on my webpage the first nine weeks as a safety net for students.

Yellow- Homework, Graded papers and letters home

       Green- ELA

       Blue- Math Notes/ Social Studies

       Plastic Pocket- Data Section/ Alcott 5 Agreement


Math Block 9:15- 10:45

Math Fluency- assessed every nine weeks for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Students will be given 2 minutes and 30 seconds to complete 50 problems. Students need to be able to answer 45- 50 problems correctly during that time to be considered fluent.   


9:15- 9:30- Number Corner- we will spend 15 to 20 minutes discussing aspects of Number Corner, including the Calendar.

Bridges Math

9:30- 10:10- Whole Group Lesson

10:10-10:45-  Centers/ Small group enrichment activities and remedial lessons

Grammar/ Fundations



What is Fundations?

Level 3 of Fundations® builds on the basic language skills that were learned in grades K-2 and digs deeper into the study of word structure, focusing on advanced spelling rules.  This language program integrates reading, spelling, and writing at the third grade level, making sure to cover the Ohio Academic Content Standards. Students do more than just memorize language rules. They learn the “why” of language and how it is used in reading, writing and conversation.


ELA Block 12:30 - 1:50 (English Language Arts)

Writing-Students will study the different types of writing and put that into practice in every unit.  Narrative, Opinion/Argument, and Informative/ Explanatory writings are the main types of writing taught and assessed in third grade.  Some assignments will be done in a Language Arts notebook. Formal graded assignments will have an attached sheet listing the grades taken on this assignment.


Reading-Mainly Groups but also whole group as well. We will be reading articles, passages, picture books and chapter books.  Lexia is an online reading skill program that every student will be using. The first nine weeks we will be spending a lot of time with paired texts.



       Each student will set his/her own goal for the nine weeks.  This does not count toward the final grade in reading but will count towards the effort grade.  Each child’s AR level is determined by the STAR test.


Science/ Social Studies 1:50- 2:30

Science will be taught by Mrs. Kellum Monday thru Friday 1:50 to 2:30. This year we will split the quarter in half.  Mrs. Kellum will teach science to our class the second half of the quarter:

Science- Units to be taught

       Scientific Process

       Earth Science- Earth’s Resources

       Physical Science- Matter and forms of energy

       Life Science- Behavior, Growth and Changes

Social Studies Units to be Taught- I will teach social studies to our class the first half of the quarter:

       Maps/ Geography

       Local Community

       History of a Community

       People in a Community



       History of Westerville


Achievement Records

     3= Meeting End-of-the-Year Standards

     2= Progressing toward End-of-the Year Standards

     1= Additional Support and Interventions to achieve End-of-the-Year Standards


Homework over Winter Break-

       Students will be asked to read at least one chapter book over winter break as well as Lexia and TenMarks.




Homework Policy-

       “They” say students should have 10 minutes of homework a day for every year they have been in school.  I really try to keep to that. Expect 30 minutes total each night Monday thru Thursday. Most of the time there will only be a reading for homework over the weekend.  If your child is having a hard time finishing an assignment, PLEASE stop doing the assignment and send me a note stating that your child tried but needs more instruction on this particular concept.  Homework is meant to reinforce a concept or skill. It is not meant to cause frustration. Each night the homework will be posted on my page of the school website for the first nine weeks. .


We are required to meet at least one time for a formal conference in the fall.  I also encourage you to ask for a conference some time during the late winter or early spring to make sure your child is still progressing through the third grade.  Of course I will gladly meet with you to discuss questions at any point throughout the year.


I will be offering a math study group from the beginning of February until in April.  It will be one day a week 3:30 until 4:10. IT IS FREE! During this time I will work with students on specific concepts each night.  I feel some students need extra help in a smaller group setting to grasp certain concepts. A schedule will be sent home closer to February.  A snack will be provided but you must provide your own transportation for your child.



Third Grade Guarantee

The first STAR assessment will be given during our testing window this fall.  If a student does not score at or above benchmark he/she will be placed on a RIMP (Reading Improvement Monitoring Plan).  Parents will be notified by the end of September if a RIMP will is needed for your child. All third grade students will take be taking the Ohio ELA test on October 23rd and 24th and again in the spring, April 9th and 10th.  This is the test that students must earn a specific cut score to be moved to Fourth Grade. Students who do not earn the cut score in the fall will also take the alternative assessment on May 2nd.


Math State Testing Dates - April 15th and 16th



Due to the dates of the state testing, third grade is moving our conferences up a week.  If these times do not work for you we will find a time that does.


Volunteers- I will be looking for volunteers on a more regular basis once I have learned more about our students and how they learn.   


The best way to reach me is:

  1. Send a message on Dojo.

  2. Email me at or at

  3. Send in a letter to school with your child



Tomorrow we will also be discussing these important topics:

1)  Third Grade Guarantee

2)   Math Fact Fluency

3)   Reading Lunch Bunch

4) Third Grade Tuesday Talks