Fouse Students Sell Artwork to Help Feed Famine Victims in East Africa

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Art teacher Heather Freado is pictured at the pancake breakfast with two students.  




Did you know that more than 3.5 million children are suffering from acute malnutrition due to the famine in East Africa?  On Saturday, November 11, Fouse Elementary fifth grade students decided to try to make a difference for those kids by donating profits from the sale of their artwork to Action Against Hunger.  In art class, teacher Heather Freado has been reading her students a book while they work on their African projects.  The two young men in the book, whom Freado met during a visit to Africa, were from Kenya, where they experienced famine during their childhood that caused them to move their families and everything they owned across the border to Tanzania.  The 5th grade pupils were so moved by the story that they wanted to help children like Wilson and Jackson.  Learn more at