Todd Waites Inspires Cherrington Students with Message of Empowerment

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Todd Waites motivates Cherrington youngsters to achieve greatness. 



Motivational speaker Todd Waites visited Cherrington Elementary on February 14 to share his powerful story.  Waites is an arm amputee, two-time cancer survivor, and a keyboardist who has toured all over the U.S. and beyond as a musician.

In 2013, Waites left touring in bands to help K-12 students via school assemblies.  Hundreds of schools and tens of thousands of kids later, he is now one of the nation’s leading children and youth speakers.  His impact has been much greater than he ever imagined.  Kids are listening. They are being changed and they are learning that regardless of who they are, what obstacles they face, and what anybody else tells them…Everyone matters and can achieve greatness.