Hawthorne Embraces Be YOURSELF Because Everyone Else is Taken Week

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Hawthorne Elementary School staff donned “Respect” shirts during Be YOURSELF Because Everyone Else is Taken week. 




Hawthorne Elementary School just wrapped up its first annual Be YOURSELF Because Everyone Else is Taken week.  The week was filled with activities including Hey Day, where every Hawthorne family member wore a nametag so they could be greeted by name.  Students and staff were also challenged to give compliments to people they did not know well, complete random acts of kindness, and, when asked, give a unique fact about themselves.

The Westerville Special Olympics held a special assembly for third, fourth and fifth grade students on Wednesday, March 7, which is National Spread the Word to End the Word Day.  Staff members wore Respect shirts or spirit wear and the children had a great time listening to a Special Olympics athlete speak.