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The school year is well under way and we are super-ocupados in all of our le
vels of Spanish.  If you have a specific question pertaining to your child or their class, please don't hesitate to contact me at the school email address above.  I'll be sure to get back to you as soon as possible! 

One question I get from parents often is how they can best help their child at home with their Spanish.  Don't worry!  There are many things that you can do, even if your Spanish is a bit rusty or if you didn't take Spanish.  Some quick tips are: 
1.  Go over vocabulary with them.  Even a quick review of some flashcards is a good review.
2.  Ask them to explain their homework back to you.  This works well in the lower levels with quick, basic grammar concepts.  You might not quite "get it," but having them vocalize and try to make you understand will help them.  :)
3.  Encourage them to use their Spanish frequently.  In the upper levels music is a great motivator.  News websites such as are a good source of news and videos.  If their friends study Spanish as well, push them to talk to each other in Spanish in their free time.  Finding opportunities to use their second language only builds their confidence!

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